Welcome to Dunkel Kinetics

We are a Stocking Distributor for W.M. Berg, Inc. the leading manufacturer of precision components since 1967. Dunkel Kinetics is celebrating our 42nd year as a supplier of precision components to industry. To gain a better understanding of who we are, click here to learn About Us. A representation of just some of our products can be found by clicking here.

If you already use W. M. Berg parts, would like to, or just want to see if we can really save you money, then request a quote with the part number, quantity, expected usage (run rate) and date needed. You will find that because of our low overhead and volume purchasing, we will save you money! We can cross most PIC and Stock Drive parts into Berg as well. Give us a try, your bottom line will appreciate it!

CUSTOM PARTS – Modifications on a stock part or having a custom part made is as easy as submitting the drawings and specifications to us and our Engineering Group will rush a quote to you.

Click on Deal of the Month to see special pricing on excess inventory!


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